Travel Workouts

You know the story…

You’ve been working out consistently, eating healthy, really working hard to meet your goals.  But then a work trip comes up or a family vacation and boom you fall off the wagon.

In part 1 of this traveling series I gave you some tricks to say healthy while traveling, today in part 2 I’m going to give you some SPECIFIC workouts you can do!

It’s so hard to workout when you are traveling right?! I mean, a kettlebell doesn’t fit well in a carry on bag and even if your hotel does have a gym how in the heck are you supposed to know what to do when you get there?

To help keep you on track, I’ve put together these 3 ass kicking workouts that need no equipment and will take you 20 minutes or less.  And lets be honest, we all have 20 minutes!

Workout #1

Travel Workout #1

Workout #2

Travel Workout #2

Workout #3

Travel Workout #3


Make sure to pin these for future reference and in the comments below I’d love to know which one you are most excited about!

Good luck!

P.S. Are we connected on Facebook yet? If not come over and say hello, I’m way funnier on facebook.  🙂