Thank you SO MUCH for signing up for the Hot & Healthy Life Fitness Challenge.
I’m so excited that you are taking this step towards a healthier you. I promise to be here to coach and encourage you along the way.
If you EVER have any questions about anything (form, workouts, modifications, food, really anything) feel free to email me: [email protected] OR send me a facebook message. I’m a little quicker about responding to email, but either way I’ll get back to you.
Remember, the program starts January 25th, but there are some housekeeping things that I need you to take care of before then.
Next Steps:
- Check your email
1. If you have any concerns about your form I’d like you to check out my YouTube page to see videos demonstrating the proper way to perform many of the movements we are going to be doing.
2. Please send me a quick video of you performing the following movements: Air Squat, Push Up, Kettlebell Swing, Burpee, and a lunge. This doesn’t need to be anything fancy. Just have your spouse, friend, or kid record a video with their iPhone and then email it over to me at [email protected]. I’ll take a look at your form and email you back with any critiques that I have. This is REALLY important. I want to make sure you are completely the movements correctly so you don’t get HURT!
3. Join our super awesome, private, facebook group. Visit the page and request access on the right hand side. I’ll get you approved by November 1st. The facebook group is where ALL the action happens so make sure to head over there.
4. Take some measurements.
I’ve created a document that I’d like you to utilize to take your measurements and write a few goals. Once you have completed this, please email it over to me at [email protected]. If you have the ability to scan and send it back to me you can download a PDF version here, or if you need a word doc you can find that here.
5. Purchase any equipment that you might need.
+ A kettlebell.
A 15 lbs kettlebell is a good weight to shoot for. If you want a wider range, 12-26 pounds would do the job. You can get these at your local sports store, Target, Walmart or this one from Amazon is what I have.
+ A set of hand weights.
10-15 lbs for these. Again, you can get these at your local sports store, Target, Walmart or even Amazon.
+ A jump rope.
A few that I recommend are this, this, and this. Really you can’t go wrong with a jump rope, but the thinner cable ones are a bit nicer and make jumping rope easier.
Other Items (Encouraged, but not required)
+ A weighted bar. I like this one and I would recommend 15-20 lbs. You can also check places like your local sports store, Target, Walmart or even Amazon.
+ A Medicine ball. I recommend this one. I would go with an 8-10 lb ball. These aren’t cheap, but oh boy, the workout you can get with one of them is amazing.
+ Something to jump on. A bench, a box, 2 stairs, or something sturdy. If you can’t make do with something you have at home try something along these lines.
I’m SO excited that you are here and I can’t wait for January 25th.
Remember, if you need a little 1-1 action I do have coaching available via in person if you live in Des Moines or via Skype. Email me: [email protected] if you are interested or have more questions.
Stay Hot and Healthy!