2021 Holiday Gift Guide
We are closing down 2021 and that means it's time for a holiday gift guide!I've rounded up some of my favorite things and products I get the most DMs about. These are things I use and love personally, some of them are affiliate links that I might get a small...

How to Create A Garage Gym
So you want to create a home or garage gym?! You're in the right place because I've got one and today I'm taking you on a tour of it. Please keep in mind that you DON'T have to do this all at once. I know it's so tempting to see something on Pinterest or a blog and...

Quick Glute Workout for Pregnancy
Glutes are such an important and overlooked part of a strong pregnant body. We are going to work them today with this quick workout you can do at home with just a mini band. What's a mini band? It's a small resistance band you can loop just above your knees or...

Quick & Easy At Home Pregnancy Workout
At Home Pregnancy WorkoutComing at you today with at-home pregnancy workout full of combination exercises you can do at home with minimal equipment! Why combination exercises? Because life is busy and this gives you the most bang for your buck In a short amount of...

Tips to Stop Peeing While Jumping Rope
Pee when you jump rope? Feeling like “well, this is just the way it is now?”
No girl, no. You do not have to live with this.
Incontinence is a very common experience for women, particularly moms. It is however not normal, no matter how many of your friends in the gym act like it’s no big deal.
There is so much hope and so much you can do to improve your symptoms.
Recently on Instagram, I shared more about improving incontinence while jumping rope. It’s not a quick fix, but something that if you work on you can definitely improve.

12 Minute Full Body Pregnancy Workout
There are so many awesome benefits of exercise in pregnancy, but it's important to make sure that you are adjusting your workouts to meet the demands of your changing body. When it comes to the long-term health of your core + pelvic floor, what you do for exercise...

Hey girl!
I’m Heather, lover of hard workouts, good food, curse words, and my family. Find me on Instagram (@Heather.Osby) and make sure to enter your email below for Free Workouts, Nutritional Insights, and Hilarious Stories Read More…