In 2006 I got a call that would change my life forever. “I don’t know how to tell you this, but I think Josh’s plane just crashed” ⠀
Josh was my fiance. We were 23 and about to be married. ⠀
Talk about your life getting fucked in a matter of moments. ⠀
Fast forward 11 years later and this. A husband. A family. A business. A terrible dog. Life handed me a shit sandwich but it got better.
I’m not saying it wasn’t horrible at times, but still…You have to keep going because it always gets better. ⠀
Exercise was a gift that pulled me out from some of the darkness I experienced for years after Josh’s death. I believe it can be an incredibly powerful tool to get your mind right. An outlet for the demons that haunt you. ⠀
But lets remember that there is more to life then getting your perfect workout in. Or losing the last 5 pounds. Or getting your “Pre-baby Body” back. ⠀
There are slides to go down, children to chase, babies to snuggle. And very soon they will sleep until noon or sleep away at college and getting a 60 minute workout in at your favorite gym will be easy. ⠀
I see you trying to fit it all in. Trying to balance it all. Its hard as hell right? Its hard for me too. Balance is an illusion. In my opinion, if you’re killing it in one area of your life you’re probably dropping the ball in another. Don’t judge yourself. Do the best you can and always keep going.