Efficient, Effective, And Enjoyable Strength & Conditioning Workouts To Help You Look And Feel Great, In Just 30-45 Minutes A Day


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Sometimes Pregnancy Is Hard

Sometimes Pregnancy Is Hard

My 3rd was pregnancy was hard. Like, really fucking hard. I wanted to get pregnant. I really did. I was super excited when the stick said positive. But then week 7 rolled in and things changed. I was sick. So sick. Dry heaving constantly. Feeling like the life was...

4 Tips To Organize Your Playroom

4 Tips To Organize Your Playroom

Call it the era of Maria Kondo, call it pregnancy nesting, but friends I have been organizing up a storm over here. I've decided to blame it on my mother and all the toys she got for my kids this past Christmas. Come December 26th I was over the clutter and mess which...

5 Pregnancy Safe Core Exercises

5 Pregnancy Safe Core Exercises

A Complete Guide to Pregnancy Safe Core Exercises Are you unsure if core training is safe to continue into pregnancy? It is and it is important. I have put together everything you need to know about pregnancy safe core exercises.  I recently announced my pregnancy and...

Balance Is Bullshit

Balance Is Bullshit

Sometimes life on Instagram looks like you have it all together. A family, a cool career, perfectly placed pillows, whatever. ⠀ My life feels like I have all the things that should (and do) make it cool and wonderful.⠀ But the truth is that ALL of those things aren't...

It Gets Better

It Gets Better

In 2006 I got a call that would change my life forever. "I don't know how to tell you this, but I think Josh's plane just crashed" ⠀ Josh was my fiance. We were 23 and about to be married. ⠀ Talk about your life getting fucked in a matter of moments. ⠀ Fast forward 11...

My #1 Piece of Fitness Advice for New Moms

My #1 Piece of Fitness Advice for New Moms

New moms, stressed out moms, tired moms, gather round there is something I need to tell you. And I would dare to say it's my number one piece of fitness advice for new moms.... SOMETHING is better than nothing when it comes to exercise. Now I know you used to make it...