Traveling? 3 workouts to keep you on track (no equipment needed!)
You know the story... You've been working out consistently, eating healthy, really working hard to meet your goals. But then a work trip comes up or a family vacation and boom you fall off the wagon. In part 1 of this traveling series I gave you some tricks to say...
9 tricks to stay healthy while traveling: Part 1 of 2
Can you believe that it is almost labor day weekend? I mean seriously. Is it just me or does time shift to fast forward when you have a kid? Holy crap. Pretty soon we’ll be packing away the swim suits and opting for snow boots.. Ughhh the thought of having to put...
20 Quick & Healthy Snack Ideas
Ever get bored with the food that you eat on a regular basis? I know I do. That's why I've compiled a list of some awesome, healthy, snack ideas to help reduce your cravings for the sugar junk we all love. Good snacks are important in keeping helping you maintain your...
Month 7 With Piper
I have an 8 month old. A crawling, standing, babbling 8 month old. I know I say this a lot, but this really is the best stage yet. She is so much fun, she is sleeping much better (most of the time), and she knows how to make me laughing. I...
Eating Healthy At the Iowa State Fair
The most marvelous time of year is upon us friends. A time where all the magical gems of society congregate in one place. There are mullets, there are gaps in mouths where teeth should be, and of course there are "get er done" t-shirts. What am I talking about? The...
DIY Banana Bread Lara Bars-Perfect Paleo Snack!
Happy Hump Day!! Monday marked my first day of my paleo nutrition challenge. Woah Woah Woah I've eaten mostly paleo for a few years now, I'd say about 80%. I love it, I think its a super healthy way to eat, but I've always allowed myself a little bit of leaway to...
Hey girl!
I’m Heather, lover of hard workouts, good food, curse words, and my family. Find me on Instagram (@Heather.Osby) and make sure to enter your email below for Free Workouts, Nutritional Insights, and Hilarious Stories Read More…